Heartank is a grass roots organization which offers support, encouragement, and funding to local would-be entrepreneurs.
Established in 2016, Heartank’s mission is to provide the bootstrap funding, knowledge and support to new entrepreneurs in every neighborhood throughout Boston.
Anyone who lives in and around Boston can apply. Finalists will present to a panel of local business people from all areas of Boston – along with a Celebrity Judge who will sit in at each of the sessions. We walk you through the entire process. You don’t need to have an MBA or have developed a fancy tech gadget either, to apply.
The Heartank panel will review all of the entries and meet with the candidates, to offer suggestions, guidance, and advice, before selecting a winner.
The winner will receive $10,000 to be used towards their new business endeavor.
The Heartank panel will be providing $10,000 awards annually. Heartank’s objective is to identify the best new Boston business opportunities, and provide these start-ups with the tools needed to succeed.