Heartank’s founder Donna Fitzgerald is thrilled to announce the award of $10,000 to Collette Divitto to grow her young Cookie company. ‘Collettey’s Cookies’ was launched after the Boston resident experienced, firsthand, the difficulties that people with disabilities face when trying to find a job. So, she resolved to start her own business and create jobs for people with ‘different abilities.’
Donna observed that this aim of Collette’s, to create jobs, was what most set her apart from other worthy entrepreneurs who sought funding. The desire to help people find jobs also influenced the start of Donna’s own company 19 years ago, when she opened the doors to her staffing firm, Contemporaries, Inc. in downtown Boston. Donna fully funded this first award, but it is her hope to draw broader support for the next award which is planned for this fall. To be a part of this awards program, you can donate to Heartank by clicking here.
Collette’s business is based in the North End. You can buy her scrumptious cookies online at < www.colletteys.com >. Her top voted cookie is ‘The Amazing Cookie’ which features Chocolate Chips, Cinnamon, and a secret recipe.